The Sad Truth About Misdiagnosis in Women

Whilst society has come a long way, there is still an undercurrent of instances where men get treated better than women. In Ancient Greece, it was widely believed that a woman’s uterus could roam freely around her body and that it was responsible for any pain she felt.

Thankfully, that belief has long gone. However, it has a lasting legacy as it is where the term “hysteria” comes from. Although this isn’t a term used anymore, it points to a history of medical misinformation regarding women’s health.

Why is misdiagnosis in women so high?

Women are constantly facing barriers when it comes to their health. 50% of women are misdiagnosed when it comes to issues such as endometriosis and it can take an average of 8 years to be properly diagnosed.

Until recently, research into most medical conditions mainly used white males as their test subjects. Originally this began as a way to eliminate female hormones as an influencing factor in their results. Scientists also preclude females of childbearing ages as they do not want to risk influencing a potential future pregnancy. Linked to this is also a lack of funding for the effects of various illnesses on women’s health.

A further barrier to correct diagnoses is that multiple conditions can present with similar symptoms. When you think of the symptoms of a heart attack you might imagine chest tightness and pressure. If you are male, that is exactly what you might feel. Females, however, more commonly experience shortness of breath, nausea and exhaustion. These symptoms can often be mistaken for a viral infection rather than a heart attack.

Commonly misdiagnosed conditions

Endometriosis is one of the more commonly misdiagnosed conditions. Endometriosis is where the tissue that forms the lining of your uterus grows on the outside instead. This can cause incredibly painful periods and be debilitating monthly. Period-related issues such as endometriosis and polycystic ovary syndrome can often be misdiagnosed as conditions ranging from IBS to depression.

Whilst there has been increased campaigning and awareness surrounding spotting the signs of cancer, there is still a proportion of women that are misdiagnosed when they have both breast and ovarian cancer. As the symptoms are subtle, such as bloating for ovarian cancer, it can be treated as a digestive issue instead of cancer.

Some complications with pregnancy can be misdiagnosed as well. One complication is Hyperemesis Gravidarum (HG) which is severe sickness throughout pregnancy. Although lack of training can be a factor, many women will experience doctors telling them it is normal and that it will ease. Unfortunately, it doesn’t and it can result in severe trauma to the woman’s body and mental health. 

What to do if you think you have been misdiagnosed

If you think you have been misdiagnosed for any symptoms you are experiencing, it is worth following up with your doctor and asking if there are any other explanations. Asking questions about their proposed diagnosis can help you work as a team to come to a reasonable agreement.

Unfortunately, some women do experience negligence during the diagnosis process. If you have, contact a firm of no win no fee medical negligence claims solicitors who can help you seek compensation if you have a case.

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