The Economic and Societal Impact of Brain Injuries

Brain injuries can be devastating for those affected. But they can also have some far-reaching consequences for the wider economy and society as a whole. For this reason, there must be robust support systems put in place to help those affected by the challenge brain injuries bring.

Below we delve into the impacts of brain injuries and what support must be provided.

Healthcare costs

According to research, traumatic brain injuries cost a total of £15 billion each year. Although many people can (and do!) make a full recovery following a brain injury, many also don’t. Those who suffer from a brain injury often have significant ongoing costs. For example, long-term healthcare can be expensive, particularly if the treatment isn’t provided by the NHS. Not to mention the cost of medication, therapy, and even some existing devices soon mount up.

Although there is support available and the disability allowance is being reviewed, this often isn’t enough to cover the cost of the healthcare that each individual needs.

The impact on families and carers

In the UK, it’s estimated that 5 million people are carers. Although many people do this out of sheer love, it’s not an easy task. Caring for a relative with a brain injury can have a seismic impact on the lives of families and can wreak havoc on carers’ health and well-being.

As well as being socially isolated and feeling left out of family events, there’s also an economic impact on carers. For example, if they must give up work to take care of a relative with a brain injury, this can put undue stress on families financially, especially given the current cost-of-living crisis.

How can we address the challenges faced by unpaid carers in the UK?

Those who have suffered from severe brain injuries need the right support systems in place from the off. From the get-go, the right care, rehabilitation, and interventions must be provided. But often, these are missed.

As well as basic medical care, it’s important that families can access support groups, counselling services, and respite care. Caring for a loved one with a brain injury can take its toll both mentally and physically because families often spend so long caring for others that they have little time for themselves. So, basic things like eating and exercising can fall by the wayside.

It’s primarily the role of governments and healthcare systems to provide adequate support. But sadly, often some people fall through the cracks. If so, people may need private care but this can be expensive unless they can make a successful brain injury claim to cover these costs.

Final thoughts…

Recovering from a brain injury is no mean feat. With so many challenges and costs associated with recovery, it can take its toll on the individual – and their families too.

If you’re struggling, just remember that you’re not alone. There’s help out there – you just need to know where to look.

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