Common Face Bumps and How to Deal With Them

Face bumps are those tiny bumps that appear on your face or skin unannounced and refuse to disappear. In medical terms, these are known as facial papillomatosis and consist of small, benign growths on the facial skin.

Getting rid of these face bumps can be very difficult, as they are not as popular as pimples, and dealing with them requires special attention and care. If you’re wondering why they appear on your face, then read the following.

What causes face bumps?

There are a few factors that can cause these irritating face bumps to appear on your skin. Genetics and hormones seem to be the most common reasons behind their sudden appearance. According to some studies, people with oily facial skin tone have a higher chance of developing face bumps. Those who have a family history of acne or rosacea might also be prone to this problem.

Types of Face Bumps

There are several types of face bumps and each of them requires a unique method of handling it. Hence, I’ll be highlighting 8 common types of face bumps and how to handle/cure them. 


These are one of the most popular types of face bumps and they are classified into two; Blackheads (open comedones) and Whiteheads (closed comedones).

How to cure comedones

To cure both of them, it is required that you use a cleanser that contains salicylic acid as its active or main ingredient. This will help to unclog, dissolve dead cells, and treat/ prevent future breakouts.  


These are tiny whitehead-looking bumps that rarely disappear even after using acne cleansers. It is very common with people who have experienced severe sun damage.

How to cure Milia

Although milia are not harmful, you can cure them by using products containing alpha-hydroxy acid to help with exfoliation. 


Moles are often very harmless, and natural but not impossible to get rid of. Contrary to some people’s opinion, moles are not an indication of cancer and studies have shown that everyone has at least one mole on their body.

How to cure moles

Moles may be removed during a cosmetic procedure if a dermatologist deems fit. 

Skin tags

Skin tags are benign skin growth that is attached to your skin externally. It is very common with other people, as it is believed to be formed when skin rubs together.

How to cure skin tags

Skin tags may be removed during a cosmetic procedure by cauterizing using heat. 

Bumps caused by ingrown hairs

If you have ingrown hairs on your body or face, then bumps are bound to occur from time to time.

How to cure bumps caused by ingrown hair

One effective way to control this is tub lubricating shaving creams before shaving an area. Another way is through laser hair removal which provides a semi-permanent result. 


Lipoma is a growth of fatty tissue that grows slowly over some time. In most cases, they don’t require treatment. However, it may be surgically removed at the advice of a dermatologist. 

Keratosis pilaris

These are tiny skin bumps that appear like goosebumps and are quite common with children.

How to cure keratosis pilaris

To cure keratosis pilaris, it is required that you use a glycolic acid face or body wash to help with exfoliation. 

Allergic reaction

It is not uncommon that face bumps may be a result of an allergy. The key here is to identify the allergy early enough, to be able to cure it. If it’s a food item, a fabric, or a particular plant you are allergic to, you should identify it and avoid contact with it. Avoid scratching or itching the affected areas, and get an anti-allergy medicine at a pharmacy. 

How to deal with face bumps?

There are several ways of taking care of and getting rid of these face bumps. First think about what kind you have; if it’s a type of acne, then treat it as such and use the recommended cleanser and follow up with a suitable moisturizer (if your skin is dry). If there is an allergy involved, then identify it and avoid contact with it.

You can also exfoliate your skin to remove dead cells, which might be the cause of the bumps. However, you need to ensure that you don’t exfoliate too much as this might irritate your skin and lead to further breakouts. Also, avoid using hair removal creams on face bumps as they may increase your chances of scarring.

Finally, if you are one of those people who don’t like to go to the doctor, then self-testing is also an option. You can test for allergies by using antihistamine tablets or liquid that you can buy at any pharmacy or drug store. If it clears up your face bumps, then there’s a good chance you have an allergy. You can also try using topical cortisone creams or steroid lotions which you can buy from a nearby drugstore, but only use it on the affected areas and not all over your face.

Read Also: Have You Seen Chrissy Teigen’s Skin Care Routine?

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