What Is the Meaning of ‘Unjabbed’

The “unjabbed” are making headlines around the world. Pop culture is starting to commonly use the word as millennials find was to cope with the covid-19 crisis. However, not many people know what exactly the word ‘unjabbed’ means. So, what exactly does it mean?

What is the meaning of ‘unjabbed’?

In conversations around the covid-19 virus, unjabbed is used to describe a person who is not vaccinated and has not received any dose of the covid-19 vaccine. The term “jab” is used to describe a vaccination injection. The negative version of “jabbed” is “unjabbed,” which is the past participle of the verb “to jab.” 

To get jabbed means to receive a dose of a vaccine.

Also, the term double jabbed is used to refer to someone who has received two doses of the vaccine.

‘Jabbed’ and ‘unjabbed’ can be used interchangeably with ‘vaccinated’ and ‘unvaccinated’ respectively.

As the covid-19 continues to ravage countries and mutate into new variants, there is growing concern and anger directed towards the unjabbed.

People are eager to return back to their normal lives, however, it doesn’t seem like that would be happening anytime soon, as countries are averaging higher numbers of cases as the days roll by.

The question now isn’t whether our anger is justified; it’s how we’re going to use it. How do we make more people see reasons to get vaccinated? And, how can we prevent more deaths caused by the virus?

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