76 year old Pensioner Jailed For Sending Sickening Messages to Nine Year Old Girl

A 76 pensioner has been jailed for sending sickening messages to a nine-year-old girl.

Richard Jones of Blackwood had sent a video of himself rubbing his penis over his boxer shorts.

He also described himself as “your dream lover” and called her “darling”.

The pensioner messaged the child via WhatsApp on April 6 with sexualised messages saying: “Send me a picture darling”.

The girl sent a photo of herself clothed to which he responded saying, “Wow.” and then proceeded to send a video of him rubbing himself.

Jones claimed during his trial at Cardiff Crown Court that he did not know the girl was a child and was remorseful for his act.

He later pleaded guilty to engaging in sexual communication with a child.

The court heard he had six previous convictions though none were for sexual offences.

Defence counsel Hashim Salmman pleaded on behalf of his clientstating that he suffered the bereavement of his wife and the deaths of four of his sonsleading to alcohol abuse and misuse of controlled drugs.

He said the defendant had been misusing cannabis for the last 12 months, which he used for pain relief.

Judge Richard Kember sentenced Jones to eight months imprisonment suspended for 15 months.

He was made subject to a 10-day rehabilitation activity requirement and sex offender notification requirements for 10 years.

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