110 Powerful Affirmations for Clear Skin

It’s time to do away with acne problems for good. It seems like you’ve tried everything, but nothing really gives you the kind of skin that makes people ask if you wear makeup. Well, today is your day! Today, we’re going to review 100 powerful affirmations for clear skin.

Affirmations are a great way to reprogram your mind into a positive mindset. Thoughts become things, so the more you practice daily affirmations, the more your thoughts will actually change from negative to positive. Your habits and thought patterns become ingrained in your being over time, so why not try something different? After all, what do you have to lose?

All of these powerful affirmations have been chosen to help you get clear, healthy skin. No more looking in the mirror and wondering why you can’t get rid of those blemishes!

Affirmations are used by everyone from celebrities who want to increase their self-confidence to people who want to address a concern in their lives. They can be used for practically anything and everything. Simply think about the things you want and need to happen, and post an affirmation on your bathroom mirror or bedroom wall where you’ll see it often.

How to use affirmations to clear your skin

You can choose to say the affirmations out loud, or simply repeat them in your head. It’s up to you! Repeat each affirmation as many times as you need to until you feel it seep into your being and become a part of who you are.

110 Powerful Affirmations for Clear Skin

1. I release all negative thoughts about my skin from my mind.

2. I am grateful for my clear, healthy skin.

3. My positive thoughts about my skin manifest into clear skin for me.

4. I release all fears and doubts about my skin from my mind and focus on the present moment only – the here and now – where everything is okay and perfect, and my skin is as clear as it is meant to be!

5. My skin is beautiful and worthy of all the love in the world.

6. My skin is smooth, clear, and blemish-free – for life!

7. Every day in every way, my skin continues to improve and become more beautiful than ever before!

8. My happy thoughts about my skin create a clear skin for me.

9. I love my skin!.

10. I am so grateful for the skin that I am in!

11. I have beautiful clear skin!

12. My mind is free of all negative thoughts of my skin.

13. I’m grateful for my clear skin.

14. Every day in every way, I love my skin more and more.

15. My skin is healthy. It is strong, smooth, hydrated, nourished, glowing with beauty.

16. My perfect skin gives me the bounce that I need to feel great!

17. My skin is clear, the blemishes are gone… they never bother me again.

18. I am beautiful every day!

19. The more I love my skin, the more everything around me becomes filled with love!

20. I am at peace with my skin and my life.

21. I know that my skin is clear and healthy because it’s the only me there is!

22. My inner beauty radiates out of me, touching everyone I meet with love and warmth – and so begins the ripple effect.

23. Every day in every way, my skin improves more and more!

24. My skin is healthy, smooth, blemish-free.

25. I love the skin I’m in!

26. Today, my skin becomes healthier with every passing moment!

27. It feels so good to have healthy clear skin.

28. I am beautiful and I love the skin that I’m in!

29. I accept my skin unconditionally!

30. My skin is smooth, blemish-free and glowing with health!

31. I am beautiful, inside and out.

32. Every day, my skin improves more and more!

33. I look and feel great!

34. With every new day comes the opportunity to love my skin even more than yesterday.

35. My blemishes fade away forever!

36. Each moment of each day brings me closer to the realization that I have clear skin, simply because I am already perfect, whole, and complete!

37. My skin is now delicious to me!

38. Every day that goes by, my skin gets clearer and smoother than ever before.

39. With each new day comes the opportunity to feel better about my skin than ever before!

40. The life I’m imagining happening now!

41. I release the need to compare my skin with others, for my worth is in being me, and so is everyone else’s.

42. I am blessed with healthy skin that looks and feels amazing.

43. I am beautiful just as I am.

44. I am blessed with healthy skin that looks and feels amazing.

45. My skin is smooth, soft and blemish-free!

46. Every day in every way, my skin is getting healthier and healthier!

47. My skin is free of blemishes, spots, pimples… it is completely clear.

48. Today, I simply relax in the knowledge that my skin is healthy and blemish-free!

49. My skin thrives on love and peace!

50. My skin is radiant, smooth, blemish-free and glowing with health!

51. I am grateful for the skin that I’m in!

52. The more I care about myself, the better my skin get!

53. I have skin that I love and enjoy.

54. My skin is clear of all blemishes and spots – so is my mind, heart and soul!

55. What others think of my skin is none of my business!

56. The better I feel about my skin, the more confident I become in everything that I do!

57. All the beauty that comes from inside me shines out through my skin!

58. I am truly blessed with skin that I love and enjoy.

59. My skin turned out even better than I could ever imagine it would!

60. I am calm, relaxed and at peace with myself and the world around me.

61. I’m happy with the skin that I’m in!

62. Today, I will give myself the gift of self-acceptance – right now!

63. I am grateful for my skin.

64. My skin is healthy, smooth and glowing with vitality!

65. I am beautiful just as I am!

66. Every day, in every way, my skin is getting clearer and clearer: so is my mind and so is my heart!

67. My skin, body and soul are healthy and pure.

68. My skin is blemish-free and radiant with health!

69. My skin is healthy and smooth, and so am I!

70. I’m in a happy; healthy relationship with myself and my skin!

71. Every day, in every way, my skin becomes clearer and more beautiful than ever before!

72. When it comes to how much skincare I need, I take whatever I need today and no more!

73. My skin requires minimal skincare because it naturally has a healthy glow to it!

74. My skin looks flawless!

75. My skin is smooth and moist, and I love touching it!

76. The skin that I’m in is amazing!

77. I’m ready to love my skin the way that it deserves to be loved.

78. The skin I have is a perfect reflection of who I am inside!

79. My skin has a healthy, natural glow to it that cannot be artificially created or maintained… but only naturally released from within me!

Affirmations for healthy skin

80. Every day, my skin is getting more radiant, healthy and beautiful than ever before!

81. I deserve all the skincare that I need today – including a rest if I feel one is necessary!

82. My skin glows from within with health and vitality… revealing to those around me how truly beautiful it is from the skin in.

83. That skincare routine is right for me because I see that skincare routine making my skin healthier and more beautiful every day!

84. My skin already has complexions of radiant complexions glowed with a healthy glow… without even trying!

85. My skin reflects the person I am inside – healthy and whole.

86. Every day, in every way, my skin looks better than ever before!

87. My skin is slowly yet surely becoming healthier and more beautiful than ever before!

88. The skin I have now is the skin I always wanted to have… except it’s even better!

89. Healthy skin is my right – and skin that is naturally healthy always looks the best!

90. My skin glows with a natural and radiant glow – and it’s because I only use skin care products that are good for my skin!

91. Right now, at this very moment, my skin is perfectly clean, healthy and glowing with the skincare products that I use on it!

92. My skin is completely free of skin problems, skin diseases or skin damage that needs to be treated…. because my skin is naturally healthy and perfect in every way!

93. Every day, in every way, my skin becomes more beautiful than ever before

Affirmations for dry skin

94. I take great care of my skin, knowing that it reflects the person I am inside

95. Being kind to myself works wonders for my skin.

96. I deserve the skincare routine that feeds my skin and makes it healthier… rather than a skincare routine that weakens my skin and causes it to be damaged.

97. My skin is healthy and naturally glowing from within, without me even trying.

98. I’m proud of the way I treat my skin and I know that it’s reflected in how my skin looks.

99. My skin is so wonderful… it deserves only the best!

100. I love my skin, and it loves me back!

Affirmations for acne skin

101. Every day, in every way, my skin is clearing up more and more

102. Every day, in every way, my skin is getting healthier and healthier.

103. When I think about the foods that I want to put in my body, healthy skin comes to mind right away.

104. Every day, in every way, I naturally become healthier and healthier and my skin becomes clearer and clearer.

105. My skin is becoming clearer and healthier every day because I deserve it.

106. The skin on my face is getting clearer every day, without me needing to try too hard at all!

108. Healthy skin is my right, and I deserve healthy skin!

109. My skin is transforming from the inside out… getting healthier and clearer with every moment.

110. That skincare routine is right for me because I see that routine making my skin healthier and more beautiful every day!

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