Who is Melanie Bishop, John Bishop’s Wife?


Melanie Bishop is the wife of the famous actor and comedian John Bishop. Though the couple were apart for 18 months, they are still together. John discussed the brief breakup in an illuminating interview with the Mirror in 2010.

At the Frog and Bucket Comedy Club in Manchester, Melanie unexpectedly ran into her estranged husband during an open mic night. John, who is famous for his sense of humour, makes lighthearted jokes about murdering Melanie and putting her head in the fridge as a way to convey his deep longing for her.

The pair made up after their hilarious run-in, and now they live together in the peaceful countryside of Cheshire. John paid tribute to his wife Melanie last year on Instagram, marking their 27th wedding anniversary, with a throwback photo from their 1993 wedding.

Over the Christmas season, John and Melanie’s long-term relationship took a hit when they both tested positive for COVID-19. John tweeted about his symptoms, which included crippling headaches, aches and pains in his muscles and joints, problems with his skin, lightheadedness, nausea, chronic fatigue, and a lack of appetite. By highlighting the lack of typical symptoms, Melanie conveyed her confusion on Instagram about getting the virus despite precautions.

Amidst health concerns, John Bishop shared some exciting news about his career. His casting as Doctor Who the BBC announced companion Dan on January 1, 2021. John posted a video on Instagram in which he expressed his gratitude to his fans for their encouragement and support throughout his transition to the role and their wishes for a speedy recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic

The public life of John Bishop encompasses both his professional achievements and the ups and downs of his relationship with Melanie. From 2021, the couple celebrates life’s milestones, faces and conquers obstacles, and seizes opportunities together, all the while keeping their solid and lasting bond.

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